Mud & Water

9th May – 8th July 2018


Cylinder by Paul Wearing









Paul Wearing Ceramics

‘Through the glazed surface of coil-built vessels I explore a visceral sense and physical feel for nature and its seasons. Textures found on surfaces within diverse environments are fundamental to my practice. Such textures can be rendered through volatile, blistering glazes. The tension between the man-made form and glaze phenomena in my work, brings into focus the nature of our vitality, materiality and fragility.   

”I often work with vessels in series in order to investigate various aspects of the above states of flux and processes of change and transformation. Groups are distinct yet related and can be considered individually and/ or sequentially as there is an evolutionary thread to them as the surfaces increase or decrease in activity and matter. In all there is the potential for us to contemplate the simultaneous coming and going, appearing and disappearing of matter and time.”

Paul Wearing is an associate member of the Crafts Potters Association, exhibits nationally, and is based in Cardiff.


A Field of Oats at Auster Grange by John Petty










John Petty Drawings

‘Although my work is fixed in specific locations, I am not attempting to make accurate representations, rather I am attempting to convey something of my experience of being in that landscape; it is a landscape to which I have a strong attachment.’ 

John Petty is an experienced drafts-man who has a lifelong fascination with the wilderness in Holderness, recording fragments of buildings and the discerning landscape.


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